Chris Cannida, LPC

Chris Cannida, LPC has 34 years experience as a psychotherapist having practiced in settings that cross the continuum of care, from inpatient programs to outpatient community mental health clinics. She has extensive training in cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, and the tri-phasic model of trauma recovery; however, focuses on the use of parts-based and psychodynamic principles of psychotherapy.


Chris graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B.S. degree in Special Education and received a Master of Science degree from OSU in Applied Behavioral Studies. After spending 8 years as a special education teacher and psychometrist, she began her career a psychotherapist. She has practiced in the states of Oklahoma, Texas, and North Carolina.


From 2008-2016, Chris worked for a Department of Defense program offering counseling to troops and families, consultation to military leadership on maintaining warrior resilience, and conducted multiple trainings on stress management, leadership training, and emotional wellness. Since then, she has offered her training expertise to universities, small and large businesses, and community organizations. From 2000-2008, Chris taught psychology courses in the transfer program for Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC. She is certified as a “Seven Principles Leader Trainer” through the Gottman Institute and maintains her own continuing education pursuits to include learning principals of psychodynamic psychotherapy as well as best practices in the use of the integrative and experiential models of trauma recovery. Chris currently owns a private practice in Owasso, OK where she specializes in trauma recovery and is an approved supervisor for LPC candidates.