MHP Services

Mental Health Professional (MHP) Services

We offer a variety of MHP services for both current and aspiring mental health professionals.


At Evolution Mental Health Services, we are proud to provide support and training for Mental Health Professionals. We believe that by educating and supporting future and present therapists, we can improve the effectiveness of our field. In doing so, we will be able to serve more individuals, couples, and families. We offer a variety of services for both current and aspiring mental health professionals. A few of the ways we offer support for our community is through LPC licensure supervision, LADC/CADC licensure supervision, continuing education, and consulting services. Have questions? Contact us today!

Licensure Supervision for Mental Health Professionals

Licensure supervision is the honor of passing on wisdom, knowledge, and experience to a mental health professional who is just beginning his or her practice. While you learn the science of therapy through traditional education, the art of therapy is something that one can only learn with time. Through licensure supervision, aspiring mental health professionals are able to learn from someone who is seasoned in the art and science of therapy, benefitting from over 12 years of experience. At Evolution Mental Health Services, we provide licensure supervision for LPC and LADC/CADC candidates.


In supervision, the goal is to help you evolve into the therapist YOU can and should be based on YOUR strengths, style, and preferences. We are proud to provide supervision and would love to talk to you about it if you’re a potential licensure candidate. Our current rate for licensure supervision is $50 per hour. Call our team or email to discuss the possibility of LPC or LADC/CADC supervision through Evolution Mental Health Services.
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Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals

As a mental health professional, it is important to pursue continuing education no matter how long you have been practicing. Whether continuing education is required by your state for licensing or not, it is the best way to continue offering your clients the best possible care. 


At Evolution Mental Health Services, we offer various opportunities for continuing education. We are passionate about helping others in our industry stay at the top of their game. By helping you evolve as a mental health professional, we are able to positively impact thousands of individuals, couples, and families. Contact our team for more information regarding our current continuing education opportunities.

Interested in continuing education? Click to learn more.

Consultations for Mental Health Professionals

Are you struggling with a certain area of your practice? Do you have a hard time responding to specific situations that you encounter with your clients? Maybe you’re just looking for ways to improve the care that you provide to your clients? We offer professional consulting services for mental health professionals. During our time together, we will seek to answer your questions, provide valuable insight into ways to improve your practice, and offer a listening ear from someone who understands your struggles.


Far too often, mental health professionals feel as if they are on this journey alone. Whether on a one-time occasion or a periodic basis, professional consultations can pave the way for both personal and professional growth. Are you interested in learning more about scheduling a consultation? Contact our team today for more information!

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As a current or aspiring mental health professional, you must take time to evolve into the therapist that you want to be. The best way to accomplish this is by partnering with an experienced therapist, learning from their years of training and real-life experience in the field. 

At Evolution Mental Health Services, we are proud to provide this support, education, and inspiration for countless mental health professionals in various stages of their careers. Are you ready to provide your clients with the quality care they deserve? Contact us today for more information on opportunities for mental health professionals!


Contact us today via phone, email, or send us a message via our contact form.