


Presented By: Amanda Hammack MS, LPC, LADC/MH
Hours of CE:
3 Hours CE
Substance use, Psychological physiology



The goal of this workshop is to inform the audience of the dangers of Fentanyl and educate them on harm reduction strategies.


Topics Covered Include:

  • Have a general understanding about what Fentanyl is and is not
  • Defining Fentanyl’s key characteristics of potency, drug class, and origins through a scientific lens
  • Be able to explain to others the dangers of Fentanyl
  • Hear a real-life story about a person affected by Fentanyl addiction
  • Feel comfortable describing harm reduction and using NARCANĀ© Nasal Spray
  • Political and criminal justice matters such as illicit trafficking and manufacturing
  • Have a general understanding of overdose prevention
  • Harm reduction methods


This workshop has been approved for 3 hours of Continuing Education.

The cost is $45.