27 Oct Our Core Values: Quality
We want every service we provide to be the best quality service possible.
Not much kills a business quicker than terrible service. We understand that providing
services that are poor quality will run off the clients you currently have and hamper your
ability to get more clients in the future due to the damaged reputation you’ve earned.
Obviously, we want to avoid that at all costs.
If we say we can provide you a particular service, we believe we can provide that
service as well as or better than anyone else. Our therapists have a minimum of a
master’s degree, are fully licensed, and have specialized training and experience in
their areas of practice. Any therapist we add to our team must meet these same criteria.
We would rather grow slowly than add therapists to our team who do not meet our
This same attitude applies to our other professional services. If the Evolution Mental
Health Services label is on training or workshop, it is being delivered by someone who
is qualified to educate on that subject. If we’re providing supervision or consultation, we
will be speaking from an informed, experienced point of view or we will tell you we don’t
have knowledge in that area and either find the answer or point you in a good direction
to find it.
If we don’t think we can do well for you, we will refer you to someone we think can. We
would always rather refer to a provider outside of our company than do a subpar job
ourselves. We want the services we provide to be on a level that will satisfy our clients and give them confidence in recommending us to others.