Author: Greg Sutmiller

OUR CORE VALUES: EFFICIENCY We want to make the most out of the least in order to give the most value to everyone. Why spend two years in therapy if you can gain the insights and skills you need in three months? Why spend 40 hours “on the...

OUR CORE VALUES: GROWTH We want to continually expand the number of services we can provide and the number of people, we can help while maintaining adherence to our mission, vision, and other core values. Currently, we are a small company. Because we are small, there is a limit...

Community Support   At Evolution Mental Health Services, we pride ourselves on our ability to offer quality outpatient therapy services. We excel in treating a number of issues, and we try to accommodate people’s schedules and needs the best we can. However, as an outpatient provider, we...

Intensive Programs   At Evolution Mental Health Services, we pride ourselves on our ability to offer quality outpatient therapy services. We excel in treating a number of issues. However, as an outpatient practice, we have limitations when it comes to the level of care. By, “level of...

“Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss, stay calm, and listen for instructions from the cabin crew. Oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose, like this. Pull the strap to tighten it. If you are...

Everyone.  Everyone can benefit from therapy.  More specifically, anyone who wants to improve in any area of life can benefit from therapy.  You want to make sure it’s the right kind of therapy for your situation.  But, yeah, everyone can benefit, because everyone should be...

Today I want to answer the question, “What is Evolution Mental Health Services?”.  There are two parts to that answer.  The first part is the name.  The second part is the process.  Here’s the first part.   Evolution Mental Health Services is the name of my private...

Your problem is not the problem.  You have this thing in your life and it’s making life difficult.  You hate your job.  You’re depressed.  You have a bad marriage.  You’re hooked on those pills.  Whatever it is, it’s a problem, and you’re really tired of...

A few days ago, I went to a workshop for clinical supervisors.  The trainer was Wade Hunter, LPC, Vice President of Operations for CREOKS Health Services and board approved LPC supervisor with many years of experience as a therapist and licensure supervisor.  During the workshop,...

Who do you want to be?  How does that person look?  How does that person think?  What does that person do?  What kind of partner, parent, child, sibling, friend, co-worker, employee, employer, community member is that person?  Are you that person?  If not, why not? ...